Thursday, 15 August 2013

Declaring an attribute

A simple element can not contain attributes, if an element contains attributes item it is considered as complex type.
      <xs: attribute name=”xxx” type=”yyy” />

Declaring an attribute with a fixed value

Syntax: <xs: attribute name=”xxx” type=”yyy” fixed=”value”/>

Declaring an attribute that is:  either optional (or) mandatory:

<xs: attribute name=”xxx” type=”yyy” use=”optional/required”/>

To allow the user to type acceptable value for the XML elements. The restrictions on XML elements are called as facets.
What is a facet?
It allows the users to type acceptable value for the XML elements. These restrictions on XML elements are called facets.
Restrictions on range of values:
<xs: element name=”xxx”>
      <xs: simpleType>
         <xs: restriction base=”yyy”>
            <xs: mininclusive value=”minvalue”/>
            <xs: maxinclusive value=”maxvalue”/>
         </xs: restriction>
</xs: element>
·         Instead of mininclusive and maxinclusive we can write minExclusive and MaxExclusive.
·         We can combine also
·         In minInclusive and MaxInclusive we can include the extreme values where as in MinExclusive and MaxExclusive, we can not include extreme values.
Restrictions on List of values:
<xs: element name=”xxx”>
  <xs: simpleType>
     <xs:restriction base=”yyy”>
         <xs:enumeration value=”value1”/>
      <xs: enumeration value=”value2”/>
      <xs: enumeration value=”value3”/>
    </xs: restriction>
  </xs: simpleType>
</xs: element>


 <xs: element name=”xxx”>
  <xs: simpleType>
    <xs:restriction base=”yyy”>
     <xs: pattern value=”[a..z],[a-z]”/>
   </xs: restriction>
The above pattern indicating the length of the data to be three characters and the characters must be only lower case alphabets.
<xs: pattern value=”[a-zA-Z][a-Za-z]”/>
·         The above pattern indicates that the data must contain two characters and the characters can be either lower case alphabets or uppercase alphabets.
<xs: pattern value=”[aeiou]”/>
·         The above pattern indicates the data can contain only one character among a,e,I,o,u
<xs: pattern value=”[0-9][0-9]”/>
·         The above pattern indicates that data should contain exactly two digits.
<xs:pattern value=”([a-z])*”/>
·         The above pattern indicates that data can contain 0 or more characters and the characters should be only lower case alphabets.
<xs: pattern value=”([a-z][A-Z])+”/>
·         The above pattern indicates that data can contain even number of characters and it should contain min/max two characters out of which the first one is lower case alphabet the second one is upper case alphabet
 <xs: pattern value=”[0-9]{10}”/>

·         The above pattern indicates that the data must contain exactly ten(10) digits.

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